JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers

JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers

[quads id=RndAds] JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers In this article, We are going to learn and discussed about one of the most important JavaScript interview questions and answers.[ez-toc] What is hoisting in JavaScript and how does it work? In JavaScript, hoisting is the behavior of moving variable and function declarations to the top of the scope at runtime. This means that variables and functions can be used before they are declared in the code.When JavaScript is executed, the interpreter first looks for all variable and function declarations and "hoists" them to the top of their scope. This means that even if a variable or function is declared later in the code, it will still be accessible at the top of the scope. However, the value of the variable is not…
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Migration in Entity Framework

Entity Framework Core
[quads id=RndAds] [quads id=RndAds] Migration in Entity Framework Core In this tutorial we are going to se how to do migration in entity framework core.One of the key features of Entity Framework is its ability to automatically migrate data model changes to the database schema. This process is called "database migration".[ez-toc] How migration works You make changes to your data model (e.g. add a new entity, rename a property, etc.).You use the EF Package Manager Console (PMC) or the dotnet EF command-line tool to create a migration based on these changes.The EF generates code that represents the changes you made to the data model and stores it in a migration file.You apply the migration to the database using the EF PMC or the dotnet EF tool. This will update the…
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SQL Interview Questions And Answers

SQL Interview Questions And Answers

SQL Interview Questions And Answers In this article, We are going to learn and discussed about one of the most important questions asked on SQL and the answers to those questions. We are going to understand the most frequently asked interview questions on SQL Server. We are covering the top SQL Server questions as well as commonly asked SQL query while your interview. Q 1. What is SQL SQL stands for ‘Structured Query Language’ and is used for communicating with databases. It is the standard language for relational database management systems. SQL is used to retrieve and manipulate structured databases. SQL is used to perform the operations on the database: Inserting Data Deleting Data Retrieving Data Creating Tables Delete or Drop Tables Create New Database etc. Q 2.What are different…
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Angular Interview Questions And Answers

Angular Interview Questions And Answers

Angular Interview Questions And Answers In this article, We are going to learn and discussed about one of the most important questions asked on Angular and answers of those questions. We are going to understand the fundamentals and building blocks of Angular by answering the most frequently asked interview questions. Q 1. What is Angular Angular was introduced to create Single Page applications and Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source web application framework, developed and maintained by GoogleGoogle's Angular team rewrote the AngularJS(JavaScript Based) and announced Angular 2 in 2016. Angular 2 is complete rewrite of AngularJS and its written in TypeScript. It implements core and optional functionality as a set of TypeScript libraries that you import into your apps.  Angular is a platform and framework for building single-page client applications using HTML…
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Important Dot Net Core Interview Questions 2023

Important Dot Net Core Interview Questions 2023

Important Dot Net Core Interview Questions 2023 In this article, we will mostly be asked Dot net core interview questions and answers. Before that let's understand some background about ASP.NET Core.ASP.NET Core is a free, open-source, and cloud-optimized web framework that can run on Windows, Linux, or Mac. You can say that it is the new version of ASP.NET.ASP.NET Core is designed to be deployed on the cloud as well as on-premises. Developers can now build cloud-based web applications, IoT (Internet of Things), and mobile backend applications using the ASP.NET Core framework which can run on Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems.You can check out the article on introduction to core to understand them in more detail. Let's start with Dot net core interview questions. Q 1. What is the ASP.NET Core…
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ASP.NET Core Books

Recommended ASP.NET Core Books - Beginners to Professional We will provide the list of the Most Recommended ASP.NET Core  Books for Students, Beginners, and Professional Software Developers. If you want to start your carrier as an ASP.NET Core MVC developer then writing code using ASP.NET Core MVC might be confusing for a beginner. Books are the best friend of students as well as developers and the first mode of learning new Languages, Frameworks, and Technologies and nothing can beat books when it comes to educating. It is the reason most experienced ASP.NET Core MVC Developers recommend reading books for learning ASP.NET Core MVC. Combining the best ASP.NET Core MVC books along with articles, tutorials, and videos, you will get an excellent path to learn ASP.NET Core MVC. Some of the books…
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Property Binding In Angular

Angular 11
[quads id=RndAds] Property Binding In AngularIn this tutorial we will discuss and understand about property binding in angular 11 and we explain below points in details.What is Property Binding?How to use property Binding with an example?What is Content Security for Malicious Content?Difference Between Property Binding and InterpolationWhat is property binding?Property Binding is a one-way data-binding technique. In property binding, we bind a property of a DOM element to a field which is a defined property in our component TypeScript code. Actually, Angular internally converts string interpolation into property binding.The Property Binding in Angular Application is used to bind the values of component or model properties to the HTML element. Depending on the values, it will change the existing behavior of the HTML element.Property Binding SyntaxThe Property Binding uses the following…
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Angular Interpolation

Angular 11
[quads id=RndAds] Angular InterpolationAngular interpolation is used to display dynamic data on an HTML template (at user end). It facilitates you to make changes on component.ts file and fetch data from there to HTML template (component.html file).We can display all kinds of properties data into view e.g. string, number, date, arrays, list or map.Interpolation is used for one way data binding. Interpolation moves data in one direction from our components to HTML elements.If you want to display the read-only data on a view template (i.e. From Component to the View Template), then you can use the one-way data binding technique i.e. the Angular interpolation.The Interpolation in Angular allows you to place the component property name in the view template, enclosed in double curly braces i.e. {{propertyName}}. So, the Angular Interpolation…
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Data Binding In Angular

Angular 11
[quads id=RndAds] Data Binding in Angular 11In this tutorial, Will discuss Data Binding in Angular 11 in detail. Data binding is one of the most important features provided by Angular Framework which allows communicating between the component and its view. So, at the end of this tutorial, we will discuss and understand.Web development requires data synchronization between the models and the views. The models basically contain the data values whereas views deal with what the user sees. So if you want to know how this happens in Angular, this article on Angular Data Binding to help you.What is Data Binding in Angular Application?Data Binding is the mechanism that binds the applications UI or User Interface to the models. Using Data Binding, the user will be able to manipulate the elements…
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Nested Components In Angular

Angular 11
[quads id=RndAds] Nested Components in Angular 11In this tutorial we will discuss nested components in angular 11 with an example.As we already know Angular 2 is all about components. A component in Angular allows us to create a reusable UI widget. A component can be used by any other component. The point that you need to keep in mind is, putting all the features in one component is not a great idea because when the application grows it will be very difficult to maintain as well as difficult to unit test. So what you need to do here is, you need to split the large component into a number of smaller sub-components, where each subcomponent will focus on a specific task.What are Nested Components?The Angular framework allows us to use a…
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