Setup Angular Environment

In this tutorial will discuss how to setup environment and create our first angular 11 application

Tools and Software Require to setup env

To get started with the installation, we first need to make sure we have nodejs and npm installed with the latest version. The npm package gets installed along with nodejs.

Go to the nodejs official site and download as per your requirement.

The latest version of Nodejs v14.16.0 is recommended for users. Users who already have nodejs greater than 14.16.0 can skip the above process. Once nodejs is installed, you can check the version of node in the command line using the command.

Next tool we require VSCode, We will use Visual Studio Code IDE for working with Angular 11; you can use any IDE, i.e., Atom, WebStorm, Visual Studio etc.

To download Visual Studio Code, go to and click Download for Windows. Choose your operating system accordingly and download. So these are software are require for to run angular 11 and now lets what are the steps we need to follow for install angular.

To install Angular 6, the Angular team came up with Angular CLI which eases the installation. You need to run through a few commands to install Angular 6.

Go to this site to install Angular CLI.

We have now installed Angular 11. Let us now create our first project in Angular 11. We need use below commands.

ng new gtech-demo-app

After executing above command our first angular project is created successfully.

You can watch our video version of this tutorial with step by step explanation.